15 – 18, December, 2008, NTU, Physics Building Room
15/12 Morning, Room 104
9:00 – 12:30 Session Chair; Xiao-Gang He
9:00 Opening
9:00 Dean of College of Sciences, NTU, Ching-Hua Lo
9:10 Dean of College of Sciences, UCDAVIS, Winston Ko
9:20 Physics Department Chairman, NTU, Bob Hsiung
9:30 - 10:30 Discussions: Pisin Chen, John Conway, Wei-Shu Hou, Bob Sovoboda and more for NTU and UCDavis programs in hep, astrophysics and cosmology, and centers and departments.
10:30 Break
11:00 – 12:30 Session Chair: Ling-Lie Chau
11:00 Wei-Shu Hou: CP Violation for the Heaven and the Earth:--Sighting the 4th Generation?
11:30 Robin Erbacher: Searches for New Physics in the Top Quark Samples
12: 00 Discussions Panel members: Wei-Shu Hou, Robin Erbacher
12: 30 Lunch (Room 13th Floor Faculty Lounge)
Afternoon, Room 312
14:00 – 15:00 Session Chair: Hai-Yang Cheng
14:00 Poati Chang: CP violation and Rare decays at B-factory (not in mornings)
14:30 Ling-Lie Chau: NxN Standard Mixing Matrices for Quarks and Leptons and
Moebius Transformations for Direct CP Violations
15:00 Break
15:30 – 17:30 Session Chair: John Conway
15:30 Bob Hsiung : Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment
16:00 Bob Svoboda : Neutrinos from Chicago to the Black Hills (DUSEL)
16:30 Min-Zu Wang: Searching for ultra high energy cosmic neutrinos behind a mountain
17:00 Discussions Panel members: Poati Chang, Ling-Lie Chau, Bob Hsiung, Bob Svoboda, Min-Zhu Wang
18:30 - 21:00 Reception 13th Floor Faculty Lounge
16/12 Monring, Room 312
9:30 – 10:30 Session Chair: Maxwell Chertok
9:30 Jack Gunion: The Ideal Higgs Scenario and its Ramifications
10:00 Kingman Cheung: Modification of the Higgsino-LSP scenario in Beyond the MSSM
10:30 Break
10.45 – 12:15 Session Chair: Tzu-Chiang Yuan
10:45 Hsin-Chia Cheng: Determining invisible particle masses at the LHC.
11:15 Maxwell Chertok: Exotics with dileptons and more
11:45 Discussions Panel members: Jack Gunion, Kingman Cheung, Hsin-Chia Cheng, Maxell Chertok
12: 30 Lunch (Room 13th Floor Faculty Lounge)
Afternoon, Room 312
14:00 – 15:00 Session Chair: Jiunn-Wei Chen
14:00 Ting-Wai Chiu: Topological structure of QCD vacuum
14:30 Tzu-Chiang Yuan: Some phenomenology of iQCD
15:00 Break
15:30 – 17:00 Session Chair: Robin Erbacher
15:30 Jiunn-Wei Chen: Phase Transitions and the Perfectness of Fluids
16:00 John Conway: An Interesting Lack of Understanding
16:30 Discussions Panel members: Ting-Wai Chiu, Tzu-Chiang Yuan, Jiunn-Wei Chen and John Conway
17/12 Morning, Room 111
9:30 - 11:45 Session Chair: Pisin Chen
9:30 Pauchy Hwang: Gauge symmetry and more – a solution to dark matter?
10:00 Spencer Chang: Dark Matter Consistent With DAMA
10:30 Proty Wu: Some recent progress in CMB cosmology
11:00 Break (Group Photo) Break 1, Break 2,
11:15 – 11:45 Discussions Panel members: Andy Albrecht, Pauchy Hwang, Spencer Chang, Proty Wu
12:00 Excursion 1, Excursion 2, Excursion 3,
19:00 Conference Banquet at Taipei 101
B photo1, B photo2, B photo3, B photo4, B photo5, B photo6, B photo7, B photo8
18/12 Morning, Room 312
9:00 – 10:30 Session Chair: Pei-Ming Ho
9:00 Andy Albrecht: What can we learn about dark energy?
9:30 Pisin Chen: Dark Energy as a Manifestation of the Hierarchy
10:00 Pei-Ming Ho: Non-Associative Geometry for M5-Brane in C-Field.Background
10:3 0 Break
10:45 – 12:15 Session Chair: Jack Gunion
10:45 Tzi-hong Chieuh: NTU Array
11:15 Paul Ho: Experimental Cosmology in Taiwan
11:45 Discussions Panel members: Andy Albrecht, Pisin Chen, Tzi-hong Chieuh, Pei-Ming Ho, Paul Ho
12:30 Lunch (Room 13th Floor Faculty Lounge)