News 最新消息
- 2024 NTU-CTP Student Fellowship
Congratulations to Shih-Kai Chou, Wei-Hsiang Shao, Sven Teunissen for receiving the 2024 NTU-CTP Student Best Paper Awards.

- 2024最佳理論論文獎 Best Paper Awards
- 申請資格:
一、 與本中心相關之系所學生,於在學期間之研究成果投稿於國際學術期刊者,並經該國際學術期刊刊登者。
二、 投稿者以本中心為服務單位優先。意即論文中載明的投稿者單位需有本中心Center for Theoretical Physics, NTU.
三、 本年度投稿論文或刊載之日期,以自2023年01月01日至2023年12月31日為限。
1. 申請表 (請點選下載格式:odt, PDF)
2. 教授推薦信一封。
3. 論文抽印本影本。
以上資料請寄送電子檔至林小姐(E-mail: yingjia1023_at_gmail.com)
Eligibility: :
1. Current members of the department. For past members, the member must be associated with the department when the work was submitted for publication.
2. Priority will be given for those who are affiliated with the center, and has Center for Theoretical Physics, NTU listed as affiliation in the publication.
3. The paper must be submitted or published between 2023 Jan 1st to Dec 31st.
Please submit the following material before Nov. 30th.
1. Application form: (odt, PDF)
2. Recommendation letter from advisor.
3. PDF file of the paper.
Please send the above material to ms. Vivian Lin (yingjia1023_at_gmail.com) Title: 2024 NTU-CTP Award_Name
Title: 2024 NTU-CTP Award_Name - 2024最佳理論論文獎 Best Paper Awards
- 2023 NTU-CTP Publication Awards
Congratulations to Professors Chiao-Hsuan Wang, Heng-Yu Chen, Jiunn-Wei Chen, Pei-Ming Ho, Hsi-Sheng Goan, and Cheng-Wei Chiang for receiving the 2023 NTU-CTP Publication Awards.

- 2023 Chin-Yu Scholars Lecture (Dec. 12 at 14:20)
What Can QFT Teach Us about Black Holes (and Vice Versa)? Poster.
Professor Nicholas Dorey is a world expert working in the gauge field theories and string theory. He is particularly interested supersymmetric gauge theories and their remarkable duality properties. He has done several important work in multi-instanton calculus in fields and string theory, the exact results from supersymmetric gauge theories using matrix models, and his recent work focuses on the emergence of integrability, both in gauge theory and string theory, also in the context of AdS/CFT correspondence. After obtaining PhD from University of Edinburgh in 1991, Professor Dorey has held positions at Los Alamos National Laboratory (1991-1993), Swansea University (1993-2004), and moved to University of Cambridge in 2004, where he became full professor in 2007. He was the winner of 2003 Whitehead Prize award by London Mathematical Society, and formerly the head of high energy theory group at DAMTP, University of Cambridge.
Prof. Hikaru Kawai became the Chin-Yu Chair Professor of CTP from April, 2021
Prof. Hikaru Kawai is a world-renown theoretical physicist. He has made many important contributions to high-energy physics, including string theory, field theory, and particle physics. After obtaining his Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo in 1983, he was an assistant professor at Cornell University (1984 - 1988), and then as an associate professor at the University of Tokyo (1988 - 1993). He was a full professor at KEK (1993 - 1999), and then at Kyoto University (1999 - 2021). He has won the Nishina Memorial Prize (1984), the Presidential Young Investigator Award (1988), and the Particle Physics Medal (2006), etc. Since Apr. 2021, he is a chair professor at the Department of Physics at National Taiwan University.
- Chin-Yu Visiting Professor
Prof. Daniel Baumann delivered the first annual Chin Yu Lecture on “The Past, Present and Future of Cosmology “ on March 2, 2021. Poster. Video
NTU became the host institute of the physics division of the National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS) on Jan. 1, 2021. The director, prof. Guang-Yu Guo, is a former director of CTP.
Prof. Daniel Baumann became a Chin-Yu Visiting Professor of CTP from Dec. 26, 2019 to Aug. 31, 2020
Prof. Baumann is a world-leading theoretical cosmologist and one of the most highly cited researchers of his generation. He obtained his doctorate from Princeton University in 2008, after which he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University and at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. He has been the Chair for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Amsterdam in 2015.
Current Visit: Dec. 26, 2019~Aug. 31, 2020.
- Chin-Yu fellow
Prof. Yu-tin Huang
Prof. Yu-tin Huang received his PhD degree in 2009 from YITP at SUNY Stony Brook University. He went on to post doctoral positions at UCLA and University of Michigan, and became a member at Institute of Advance Studies in Princeton in 2013. In 2014 he was appointed assistant professor at NTU. He is one of the leading experts in Scattering amplitudes, and received the 2018 Nishiha Asia award as well as 2018 Ta-You Wu memorial award and is the Golden-Jade fellow of CTP/NTU.
2023 CTP Best Student Paper Awards論文獎得主及中心成員合照
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Interviews of CTP Professors 台大理論中心教授專訪