About CTP

CTP 中心設置辦法

National Taiwan University received a donation from Professor Emeritus of Physics Shin Nan Yang and his family in 2018, to advance theoretical physics research. It was then decided to reorganize the Center for Theoretical Sciences (NTU-CTP), founded in 2006, and renamed it to the Center for Theoretical Physics at National Taiwan University (NTU-CTP) to focus only on theoretical physics. The donation provides funds for Chair Professorships and Outstanding Young Fellows.

The aim of the NTU-CTP is threefold:
(a) to become a world-leading center in frontier research on fundamental physics,
(b) to provide an intellectually stimulating environment for students and young scientists and
(c) to facilitate interdisciplinary interactions, and to promote international collaboration.

Currently the Center has 21 faculty members from the Department of Physics. Many of the members are already leading experts in their respective research fields. Research interests of the Center members include: Cosmology, Astrophysics, Computational astrophysics, Particle and Nuclear Physics, Quantum field theory, String Theory, Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Computational Materials Physics, Quantum Information, Non-linear Physics, Soft Matter Physics, Chemical Physics, and Computational Physics.

The space of the NTU-CTP is located on the 4th floor of the Chee-Chun Leung Cosmology Hall, NTU and designed for academic communication. We have a lecture hall with 100 seats that could become a useful venue for holding academic workshops or teaching and training events such as the summer schools or international workshops we held last year. Office amenities in the NTU-CTP such as pantry room, and discussion room with coffee machine and printer, and Wi-Fi service are suitable for visiting scholars. Also, we have 9 research rooms and 3 discussion spaces with whiteboards/blackboards which make discussion much easier and comfortable at the NTU-CTP. Considering the popularity of mobile vehicles and benefit/cost of cross-border cooperation, we will purchase Video Codec for synchronous conference to improve two-way video communications in the future.

The Center gives a high priority to education. In hence, the Center offers student fellowships to encourage graduate students to study theoretical physics, and to award them for their outstanding research works. The NTU-CTP just awarded 3 scholarships to the winning students this year.

We believe that the progress and creativity of science always arise from basic research. The NTU-CTP constantly advocates activing exchanges of prospective academic idea and promotes academic cooperation. Under such spirit, the Center has close collaborations with Department of Physics, Institute of Astrophysics, Center for Condensed Matter Sciences of NTU, Institute of Physics, Institute of Astronomy, Institute for Atomic and Molecular Sciences of Academia Sinica, and National Center for Theoretical Sciences in organizing activities and sharing resources to have a coherent effort to bring research to world class excellence.

2018 年,因本校物理系楊信男名譽教授及家人,為紀念父親楊金豹先生發展教育學術促進國家社會進步之心志,捐款成立永續基金,用以加強理論物理研究 。爰此乃將原於 2006 年成立之「臺大理論科學研究中心」(NTU-CTS) 於 2018 年 1 月 1 日起改組為「臺大 理論物理研究中心」,並設置中心講座教授及傑出年輕學者,以臻世界先進之林。本中心有三個具體目標:
a) 成為一流前沿理論物理研究中心。
b) 提供學生及年輕研究人員優質的學術環境。
c) 提供不同專業領域間學術交流及合作平台並且致力於促進國際合作。



